MonWHO 2016 Noncommunicable Disease

  • Reeve Kako Po-Hao Hsu Adrienne Kinman Julia Mcgarry Marina Djurdjevic Emily Xing Vanessa Skubic Vivian Wang Yann Ilboudo Rachel Chan Jahanara Rajwani Marieme Dembele
  • Kitaplar
  • Bulaşıcı Olmayan Hastalıklar
  • Yayınevi
    Mon WHO
  • ISBN-10(13)
  • Yayın Tarihi
    22 Mart 2016
  • Sayfa Sayısı

Kitap Hakkında

Healthcare is not limited to the interactions between patients and doctors within the walls of aHealthcare is not limited to the interactions between patients and doctors within the walls of ahospital. Healthcare, especially in the context of global health, is a multifaceted, multidimensionaldiscipline that incorporates both the intellect of science and the dynamics of the social community.The Montreal World Health Organization Simulation (MonWHO) is a conference that aims topromote a macroscopic perspective of global health, and to draw attention towards the social,cultural, ethnic, economic, and political factors of international relations that affect the global healthcare system. In 2007, MonWHO executives hoped to create a conference where students from anyfield of study could collaborate to broaden their perspectives of international health. MonWHO hasgrown substantially since its inaugural conference and is now supported by the McGill InternationalHealth Initiative (MIHI). In 2009 and 2010, MonWHO hosted the Global Health Advocates of theCanadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS). In 2010, MonWHO was established alongsidethe European World Health Organization Simulation (EuWHO) as part of a transnational project ofthe International Federation of Medical Student’s Association (IFMSA).

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